The new waxy tapioca variety is amylose-free or 100% of amylopectin which allows for the new dimension of applications in various industries. The unique and versatile attributes of waxy tapioca starch are solutions to numerous opportunities in the world market.
In this post, we will present you an introduction of Waxy Tapicoa Starch

Chareinsak Rojanaridpiched – Kasetsart University
Starch is typically made of two glucose polymers.
Their proportion & relative length of their chains affect the functional properties of the starch including:
- Retrogradation (Starch Gel),
- Syneresis (expelled water, encouraged by amylose)
- Gel clarity,
- Thermal properties Viscosity
But “Waxy” starch lacks amylose.
For years the starch industry asked for amylose-free cassava starch

Chareinsak Rojanaridpiched – Kasetsart University

- Compared with
- normal cassava starches,
- commercial waxy starches (i.e., waxy maize starch and waxy rice starch) and
- commercial stabilized starches (i.e., acetylated starch and hydroxypropylated starch).
- Waxy cassava starches had the highest peak viscosity
and the lowest setback viscosity.

Cooked paste of waxy cassava starches had the greatest clarity and stability among all starches during storage at 4 ℃ for 7 days.
No syneresis was detected in waxy cassava starch gels after subjecting to four freeze-thaw cycles (4 weeks) indicating high potential use of waxy cassava starches, free from chemicals, to replace stabilized starches as thickening and texturing agents in food products.
Waxy cassava starch was the only one not showing any syneresis after 5 weeks of storage at −20 °C. Natural waxy cassava starch is, therefore, a promising ingredient to formulate refrigerated or frozen food
In Summary
- Waxy cassava starches
- a high viscosity,
- no retrogradation,
- high swelling power but low solubility,
- high paste clarity and
- stability with no syneresis after storage at –18 ℃.

- Waxy cassava starches indicated high potential for utilization in food industry to improve properties of products in the replacement of stabilized starches or other waxy cereal starches.
- Thai non-GM waxy cassava starches, however, were not tolerant to shearing and heating in processing which will be improved by cross-linking in our next research work.
- Banpong Tapioca is the prioneer in Waxy Tapioca Starch Plantation in Western Thailand, from 2019 We’re Piloting WAXY Cassava Plants in Western Thailand for 4000 Metric Tons.
- Waxy Tapioca Starch will be the Future of Food for Clean Label Product and Banpong now expands to meet your needs.

Best Freeze / Thaw Stability
Best Bland Taste
Best Clarity
Learn More us via Zoom Call or Email : [email protected]
English : +66-63-374-8140
Chinese : +66-63-374-8140
TTDI Development “Waxy Tapioca”,
Chareinsak Rojanaridpiched – Kasetsart University
Comparison of Pasting and Gel Stabilities of Waxy and Normal Starches from Potato, Maize, and Rice with Those of a Novel Waxy Cassava Starch under Thermal, Chemical, and Mechanical Stress
Outstanding Characteristics of Thai Non-GM Bred Waxy Cassava Starches Compared with Normal Cassava Starch, Waxy Cereal Starches and Stabilized Cassava Starches, Roselawatee Toae 1, Klanarong Sriroth 1, Chareinsuk Rojanaridpiched 2, Vichan Vichukit 2, Sunee Chotineeranat 3, Rungtiva Wansuksri 3, Pathama Chatakanonda 4,* and Kuakoon Piyachomkwan 3,*